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« A Written, Signed Agreement | Main | Post-Disengagement Deja Vu »

August 19, 2005



For a thought-provoking post (and many equally thought-provoking comments), read this post and comments at Hirurim:


Wow... powerful stuff.

Isaac B2

I'm not sure I think holding on to Gush Katif and the rest of Gaza would have been a good idea... but since I've never wanted to give up the Golan, I think I'll end up regretting the withdrawal soon enough. The terrorists will no doubt use the land as a base for more terrorists ops... and then this morning in the L.A. Times I saw this P.F.L.P. flag a Palestinian kid is carrying around in Gaza in celebration -- look at the upper left of the photo to see a stylized image of the entire country of Israel -- they won't be satisfied with Gaza, or even if we were to hand over the West Bank or Jerusalem itself; they want the whole thing. I guess I can't post the link here -- but it's up at my blog.

Anne Lieberman

magnificent post. totally gut-wrenching. I think you captured the essence of it, with both the words and the pictures you chose.

good job. terrible times.

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