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« The War Against Israel in America | Main | Passover 2007 -- History as an Inheritance »

March 30, 2007


Chloe Jones

campaign of terror against the State of Israel. It is the main reason that we are confronting the battle against a culture of bloodshed and murder, which has targeted Jews and Israelis everywhere.
Chloe Jones

The Kosher Hedgehog

Middle Eastern diplomacy always seems to place Israel on the slippery slope. A concession is made by Israel in return for an empty promise of recognition and peace. When the promise proves empty, the last Israeli concession becomes the starting point for the next one, again to be made in exchange for the same empty promise.

The process began under Yitzchak Shamir, when Israel agreed to enter into negotiations with the PLO after the Reagan Administration managed to get Yassir Arafat to say the magic words, ala Groucho, "We recognize Israel." It turned out to be an empty statement.

Then Oslo allowed the creation of the Palestinian Authority and the placement of armed Palestinian militias in Yehuda, Shomron and Gaza, in exchange for the promise of recognition of Israel's right to exist as a Jewish State and the cessation of violence. The violence continued, and Israel later made the concessions at Wye and approved the Roadmap, all for the same thrice-broken promise of recognition and the cessation of violence. Realizing that the Palestinian promises were meaningless, Sharon decided the proper approach was to forgo the promises and make unilateral territorial concessions.

Now, after all these years and concessions, the government of the Palestinian Authority still does not recognize the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish State within secure internationally recognized boudaries, and the response of the US Secretary of State is to ask Israel to make further concessions. Indeed, Secretary Rice may indeed be following the path of Sharon in an effort to break the cycle described above, because she too is recommending that Israel forgo without even an empty promise of recognition and the cessation of violence; that Israel simply make concessions to the enemy that swears its eventual destruction.

The Kosher Hedgehog

Middle Eastern diplomacy always seems to place Israel on the slippery slope. A concession is made by Israel in return for an empty promise of recognition and peace. When the promise proves empty, the last Israeli concession becomes the starting point for the next one, again to be made in exchange for the same empty promise.

The process began under Yitzchak Shamir, when Israel agreed to enter into negotiations with the PLO after the Reagan Administration managed to get Yassir Arafat to say the magic words, ala Groucho, "We recognize Israel." It turned out to be an empty statement.

Then Oslo allowed the creation of the Palestinian Authority and the placement of armed Palestinian militias in Yehuda, Shomron and Gaza, in exchange for the promise of recognition of Israel's right to exist as a Jewish State and the cessation of violence. The violence continued, and Israel later made the concessions at Wye and approved the Roadmap, all for the same thrice-broken promise of recognition and the cessation of violence. Realizing that the Palestinian promises were meaningless, Sharon decided the proper approach was to forgo the promises and make unilateral territorial concessions.

Now, after all these years and concessions, the government of the Palestinian Authority still does not recognize the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish State within secure internationally recognized boudaries, and the response of the US Secretary of State is to ask Israel to make further concessions. Indeed, Secretary Rice may indeed be following the path of Sharon in an effort to break the cycle described above, because she too is recommending that Israel forgo without even an empty promise of recognition and the cessation of violence; that Israel simply make concessions to the enemy that swears its eventual destruction.

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