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April 15, 2007


J.  Lichty

Very moving. I hope we will not be saying that about the last of the mohichans in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv as the modern-day nazis continue to plan for their next Aktion.

Doug R.

No, not all the other members of the Stryj community are buried IN the forest. I was pleased to have met Daniel tonight at Davis-Kidd Booksellers in Memphis, TN and described how I had recently (December, 2003)traced my family on my mother's side to Stryj, with the assistance of someone from the JewishGen website. No one has known or cared about my family's origins previously, nor since. Perhaps I am another "Last Mohican" in that sense. There is a fear of the past that is very destructive to American Jews, by destroying their identity at the roots. Daniel and I didn't talk much, but perhaps just enough. I want to say more, but I think we were both tired.

S. Ostern

I was a "displaced Mohican" from Stryj Ghetto. Only 300 Jews survived from Stryj out of a population of 12,000. I have corresponded with Josef Feuer in English. He died recently (2002) and on the Stryj web site we have In Memoriam dedication see web site http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/stryy/ I am interested in J. Lichty's connection w/ Stryj. You can also see my story of survival in Stryj @ web site http://www.myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=Stan_Osten_FF_06

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